Trade and Industry Department SME Export Marketing Fund

Understanding the basics

Effective from 30 April 2021 until 30 June 2026, the funding scope of EMF is expanded to cover large-scale exhibitions staged by organisers with good track record targeting the local market, as well as online exhibitions organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and reputable exhibition organisers with good track record; and the eligibility criteria is relaxed to cover non-SMEs.


  • It must be registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310).
  • It must meet the Government’s definition of an SME, i.e. if it is engaged in manufacturing business, it must employ fewer than 100 persons in Hong Kong; and if it is engaged in non-manufacturing business, it must employ fewer than 50 persons in Hong Kong.
  • It must have substantive business operations in Hong Kong at the time of making the application. An enterprise holding a shell business registration or having its main business operation outside Hong Kong will not be regarded as having substantive business operations in Hong Kong.
  • If it has previously received EMF grants, the cumulative amount of grants received must not exceed the prevailing cumulative grant ceiling. Applicant enterprises which have similar business registration details (e.g. nature of business, address, contact numbers, shareholder/directorship) will be treated as connected enterprises. For the purpose of the cumulative grant ceiling, connected enterprises are treated as if they are one enterprise, i.e. the cumulative amount of grants received by the connected enterprises concerned are aggregated and must not exceed the cumulative grant ceiling.
  • It must not be the organiser/co-organiser/service provider or a related company of the organiser/co-organiser/service provider of the export promotion activity covered by the application.
  • Key Features

    The cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise under the SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF) has been increased from $0.8 million to $1 million.  Furthermore, effective from 30 April 2021 until 30 June 2026, the funding scope is expanded to cover large-scale exhibitions targeting the local market as well as online exhibitions, and the eligibility criteria is relaxed to cover non-SMEs.  Please refer to the updated Guide to Application for details.  Please click here for a list of trade exhibitions targeting the local market and online trade exhibitions preliminary assessed as eligible for EMF.

    Projects Accepted

    • Trade exhibitions held outside Hong Kong targeting markets outside Hong Kong
    • Trade exhibitions held in Hong Kong targeting markets outside Hong Kong
    • Trade exhibitions held in Hong Kong targeting the local market
    • Online trade exhibitions
    • Business missions outside Hong Kong
    • Online business missions
    • Advertisements on trade publications which mainly target markets outside Hong Kong
    • Export promotion activities which are conducted through electronic platforms/media and which mainly target markets outside Hong Kong
    • Setting up or enhancement of a corporate website/mobile application owned by the applicant enterprise which mainly targets markets outside Hong Kong


    For further understanding on application procedures please check

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